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5 Power-packed Ways to Start Your Email like a Professional to Get Quick Response from Companies

Emails have become an integral part of communication in modern times. They are essential in both personal and professional communication and have revolutionized the way we interact with each other. Emails are also the most convenient way to get your message across when dealing with companies. Whether you’re trying to close a deal or simply looking for a response, a well-crafted email can make all the difference.

However, getting a quick response from a company can be a challenging task. With the number of emails they receive every day, your message can get lost in the crowd. This is why it’s essential to start your email like a professional to make it stand out. Here are five power-packed ways to start your email like a professional and get a quick response from companies.

1. Greet the recipient by name

Starting your email with a greeting is a basic necessity, but it’s important to make it personalized. Addressing the recipient by name makes the email feel more personalized and shows that you have taken the time to research and get to know them. It’s more likely to make them pay attention to your message.


Dear Emily,

2. Start with a strong opening statement

Your opening statement should grab the recipient’s attention and clearly state the purpose of your email. Avoid lengthy introductions and get straight to the point. A strong opening statement encourages the recipient to read further and increases the chances of a quick response.


I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the progress on the project we discussed last week.

3. Use a relevant and engaging subject line

The subject line is the first thing the recipient sees and plays a crucial role in determining whether the email gets opened or not. It should be clear, concise, and relevant to the content of the email. A well-crafted subject line can pique the recipient’s interest and make them more likely to open and respond to your email.


“Urgent: Queries on the August Sales Report”

4. Make reference to a shared connection or interest

If you have a shared connection or interest with the recipient, leveraging it in your email can be beneficial. It shows that you have done your research and establishes a common ground. This can make the recipient more receptive to your message and increase the likelihood of a response.


I came across your profile on LinkedIn and noticed that we share a passion for sustainability.

5. Use a friendly yet professional tone

The tone of your email sets the tone for the entire message. It’s essential to strike a balance between being friendly and professional. A professional tone shows that you respect the recipient’s time and position, while a friendly tone creates a more relaxed and approachable environment. A combination of both can make your email more appealing and increase the chances of a quick response.


I hope you’re having a great day. I wanted to touch base with you regarding the upcoming conference.

In conclusion, starting your email like a professional can make a significant impact on the response time you receive from companies. Utilizing personalized greetings, strong opening statements, relevant subject lines, shared connections or interests, and a friendly yet professional tone can make a significant difference in achieving a quick response.


What is the ideal length of an email?

The ideal email length depends on the message you are trying to deliver. It’s essential to be concise and keep the message brief, clear, and relevant.

How can I make my email stand out?

To make your email stand out, use a personalized greeting, a relevant subject line, a strong opening statement, and a friendly yet professional tone.

What tone should I use in my email?

The tone of your email should strike a balance between being friendly and professional. It should be respectful and create a relaxed and approachable environment.

How should I format my email?

The format of your email should be easy to read and navigate. Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and appropriate formatting.

How many times should I follow up on an email?

It’s appropriate to follow up on an email once or twice. Following up more than that can be seen as pushy and affect your chances of getting a response.

Teresa Wells
Teresa Wells
Teresa is a digital marketing content writer with over 5 years of experience. She has a passion for helping businesses create engaging and informative content that drives results. In her previous role, she worked as a content writer for a large digital marketing agency, where she was responsible for creating blog posts, articles, and white papers. She also has experience working as a freelance content writer, and has written for a variety of businesses in a variety of industries.


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